Talent for Romania
Meaning of the logo:
T: Tichindeal
A: Alfa-College
E: Erasmus+
N: Noorderpoort
T: Terra MBO
“An internship abroad for MBO Level 1 and 2, that is something special!”
Usually, these kind of internships are for MBO (Management by objectives) Level 4 students. The Noorderpoort, Alfa College and Terra MBO are working together to organize these internships. In 2017, the group went to Romania for the fourth time to work on the educational centre for the children of Romania.
This is a huge learning experience for everyone involved, especially the students. The students learn about the subject they are studying, collaborating with others and discovering how fun it really is to help the disadvantaged people of Tichindeal. Apart from the fact that they are confronted with another culture, this is often their first foreign experience, and they become aware of their relative wealth. Their actions have a positive effect on the people involved in this project and therefore, there is no better learning experience. It goes without saying, that these experiences have a positive influence on their own self-esteem.
With creativity, passion and spirit, both schools started this project. They were capable of completing this project thanks to the European Erasmus+ grant program (formerly Leonardo da Vinci), the non-profit foundation ‘Actie Roemenië’ and the non-profit foundation ‘Lamp’. In addition, both of the ROC’s have provided the AOC with a substantial contribution.
Once again, the 20 students and their supervisors will stay in Romania for 3 weeks. The group consists of students studying construction, wood, electricity, metal, logistics and gardening. In addition, a student in Marketing & Communication, Level 4, keeps up a blog - [http://blogroemenie.com] and a student from catering Level 1 provides meals for the people involved in the project after the working day with the help from a Romanian assistant. The students from the Level 4 act as building supervisors. At the end of the trip, the participants receive a certificate of participation from the schools and a Europass. This is a certificate Erasmus+.
In addition to the fact that this project is a great learning experience for the students, it is also a nice form of partnership between the three schools to facilitate education for children in a disadvantaged situation in Romania. At the same time, vulnerable youths get an opportunity to develop their talents and personality.
The children come from all sorts of backgrounds. There are children with limited learning ability and an unstable home environment. There are youths with a learning disadvantage and limited learning ability but have a stable home environment. Also, there are youths who themselves struggle with problems, for example, psychological level. Individual customization allows you to reach many of these vulnerable youths. In our opinion, you should not separate them from the higher levels of MBO but just bring them together. This way they can support their fellow students. This happens during the Romanian trip.
An inspiring and enriching example.